Monday, May 23, 2011

Gateway to Joy: Reflections on the writings of Henry Nouwen-Part 1

The following except from Henri J.M. Nouwen's book, Life of the Beloved, touched me deeply as I read it this morning:

"The great secret of the spiritual life, the life of the Beloved Sons and Daughters of God, is that everything we live, be it gladness or sadness, joy or pain, health or illness, can all be part of the journey toward the full realization of our humanity.  It is not hard to say to one another: "All that is good and beautiful leads us to the glory of the children of God."  But it is very hard to say: "but didn't you know that we all have to suffer and thus enter into our glory?" Nonetheless, real care means the willingness to help each other in making our brokenness into the gateway to joy."

"The second response to our brokenness is to put it under the blessing.  For me, this "putting of our brokenness under the blessing"  is a precondition for befriending it.  Our brokenness is often so frightening to face because we live it under the curse. Living our brokenness under the curse means that we experience our pain as a confirmation of our negative feelings about ourselves.  It is like saying, "I always suspected that I was useless or worthless, and now I am sure of it because of what is happening to me."  There is always something in us searching for an explanation of what takes in our lives and, if we have already yielded to the temptation of self-rejection, then every form of misfortune only deepens it.  When we lose a family member or friend through death, when we become jobless, when we fail an examination, when we live through a separation or a divorce, when a war breaks out, an earthquake destroys our home or touches us, the question "Why" spontaneously emerges.  "Why me?"  "Why now?"  "Why here?"  It is so arduous to live without an answer to this "Why?" that we are easily seduced into connecting the events over which we have no control with our conscious or unconscious evaluation.  When we have cursed ourselves, or allowed others to curse us, it is very tempting to explain all the brokenness we experience as an expression or confirmation of this curse.  Before we fully realize it, we have already said to ourselves: "You see, I always thought I was no good....Now I know for sure.  The facts of life prove it."

"The great spiritual call of the Beloved Children of God is to pull their brokenness away from the shadow of the curse and put it under the light of the blessing.  This is not as easy as it sounds.  The powers of the darkness around us are strong, and our world finds it easier to manipulate self-rejecting people than self-accepting people.  But when we keep listening attentively to the voice calling us the Beloved, it becomes possible to live our brokenness, not as a confirmation of our fear that we are worthless, but as an opportunity to purify and deepen the blessing that rests upon us.  Physical, mental, or emotional pain lived under the blessing is experienced radically different from physical, mental, or emotional pain lived under the curse.  Even a small burden, perceived as a sign of our worthlessness, can lead us to deep depression--even suicide.  However, great and heavy burdens become light and easy when lived in the light of the blessing.  What seemed intolerable becomes a challenge.  What seemed a reason for depression becomes a source of purification.  What seemed punishment becomes a gentle pruning.  What seemed rejection becomes a way to a deeper communion."

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